14 days have gone, where did they go

Well it is now been 14 days since I left Norway to come here to Vietnam. I often get asked by those I know if I regret going here, the answer to that is no, a big fat no. What is there to regret? I was the typical Scandinavian, a little reserved and cold. Or I am, not was. But the openness and warmth you face here will make it hard for even the coldest norvegian winter too keep you cold. Here there are no apparent we and them, I can’t find it nomatter how hard I look. Thereis a peace and harmony only the most deserted norvegian mountains can offer here in District 5, Ho Chi Minh. I have never seen thar in any city.                                                                                

I took a walk up to the backpacker area yesterday, it did not make me happy. Why the hell leave home if all you want to do is to stumble around shitfaced on alcohol, trying to get women half yourvage and WAY out of your Leauge? Why can’t those aholes stay home so the rest of us who are here to see the placd don’t have to feel embarrassed over them. I have still 14 days left in my month on the wagon, I want to learn a little about the place before I go to far to drink.


I will soon try to get some pics up here, gotta thank Nokia for inventing the Lumia 1020, the best cameraphone ever for a travelling bastard











Getting into the speed of Vietnam

Well, it’s week 2 of God knows how many. And I am at last getting rid of the jetlag. Been a funny week, been so horribly strange to know that way to many are looking at me like I got the remains of a small child in my beard. Never seen pepole jump out of the way in real terror before, at first it was funny but after a day or two it just felt wrong. Now I don’t care about it anymore.

The pepole here in Vietnam are fantastic, we in Europe tend to think we own most things who have to do with beeing polite and beeing an humanitarian. But from what I see here we are cold assholes at times who are to buisy defending our money. Here pepole do acually care for each other, in a totally different and more sensere way than we do

But the man who moves here to be an electrician is a braindead idiot, electronic here is a mess behind belief. Only the clinical insane will try that job here, it’s like crossing the streets. It can be done 1000 times with no problems, but it will only take one problem to make a roadpizza out of you

There will be more, if I survive the traffic 



First day done

That was day one done in this world. And im getting no wiser, it’s fun and nice as hell. But at the same time you know that you are one zebrawalk away from beeing roadpizza. And red light do not mean a thing here…

Gotta admit i’m falling in love with tvis place already. Even if my looking is a little put back by jetlag and a damn cold. But the smell, the noice and the sound is completly wild. This has got to be one of the best places ever




Have you seen, it’s at last travelday, the first of many. But if you are going to other Places something tells me you gotta Accept to travel, teleporting is not invented yet. Acually do i have to admit that i am quite dissapointed by this, we are in 2014. Where the hell is the teleporting, the flying cars and all that stuff i really wanted to have by now? Not here, that’s for shure.
Enough about that

Todays leg is from here in SnÃ¥sa to Gardemoen airport, it takes With the waiting at Gardemoen just as long time to get airborne as it takes to og from Gardemoen to HCM once i’m Airborne. Gotta thank the Norwegian goverment for it’s foresight, so we got fast railroads and top roads, and for that they are not letting the infrastructure og slowly to hell… Cocksuckers every last one of them.

The leg from Gardemoen to HCM is in 2 parts, part 1 is from Gardemoen to Moscow, then it’s a 2 hours wait in Moscow before it’s full speed ahead to HCM. A 10 hours flight, i will be bored to tears…




On my way to the cage

Well. The day is closing in, i’ll soon be leaving. It is a thing of mixed beauty to know that the easy and rather safe life I so far have lived here in Norway is about to take a spin.

I have with intentions tried not to learn much about Vietnam, I want the chock and the complete turnaround of all I know. This for me is not only a holiday, it is also a turning point in a life that is way to spun around others, a life that is not my own anymore. I do know some I leave behind will hate me for it, but I could not care less even if I tried. To hell with them.

As things stand now I have not got any clue about the future, after I’m on that plane nothing is shure or planned. And for some damn reason that feels so good, like I’ve gotten control of my own life again.

But for now I gotta focus on not going apeshit the last days, just look forward to a boring flight, a stressful day beeing 110% unknown and a damn good time anyhow

Getting closer


The 15 is just 13 days away, god i’m looking forward to get going. Tired of the waiting game, just sitting here and wait is not for me, i’ll go bananas of it soon.

The trip is a long one, going to Vietnam and staying for a year. Every piece of the puzzle is now done, insurance, visa, passport +++ So all i can do now is to wait and wait some more. I still hate that part of every travel