On my way to the cage

Well. The day is closing in, i’ll soon be leaving. It is a thing of mixed beauty to know that the easy and rather safe life I so far have lived here in Norway is about to take a spin.

I have with intentions tried not to learn much about Vietnam, I want the chock and the complete turnaround of all I know. This for me is not only a holiday, it is also a turning point in a life that is way to spun around others, a life that is not my own anymore. I do know some I leave behind will hate me for it, but I could not care less even if I tried. To hell with them.

As things stand now I have not got any clue about the future, after I’m on that plane nothing is shure or planned. And for some damn reason that feels so good, like I’ve gotten control of my own life again.

But for now I gotta focus on not going apeshit the last days, just look forward to a boring flight, a stressful day beeing 110% unknown and a damn good time anyhow

One Reply to “On my way to the cage”

  1. Change can be stressful and exhilarating at the same time 🙂
    Hope you’re enjoying your time in Viet Nam! 😀

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