

Have you seen, it’s at last travelday, the first of many. But if you are going to other Places something tells me you gotta Accept to travel, teleporting is not invented yet. Acually do i have to admit that i am quite dissapointed by this, we are in 2014. Where the hell is the teleporting, the flying cars and all that stuff i really wanted to have by now? Not here, that’s for shure.
Enough about that

Todays leg is from here in Snåsa to Gardemoen airport, it takes With the waiting at Gardemoen just as long time to get airborne as it takes to og from Gardemoen to HCM once i’m Airborne. Gotta thank the Norwegian goverment for it’s foresight, so we got fast railroads and top roads, and for that they are not letting the infrastructure og slowly to hell… Cocksuckers every last one of them.

The leg from Gardemoen to HCM is in 2 parts, part 1 is from Gardemoen to Moscow, then it’s a 2 hours wait in Moscow before it’s full speed ahead to HCM. A 10 hours flight, i will be bored to tears…




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