14 days have gone, where did they go

Well it is now been 14 days since I left Norway to come here to Vietnam. I often get asked by those I know if I regret going here, the answer to that is no, a big fat no. What is there to regret? I was the typical Scandinavian, a little reserved and cold. Or I am, not was. But the openness and warmth you face here will make it hard for even the coldest norvegian winter too keep you cold. Here there are no apparent we and them, I can’t find it nomatter how hard I look. Thereis a peace and harmony only the most deserted norvegian mountains can offer here in District 5, Ho Chi Minh. I have never seen thar in any city.                                                                                

I took a walk up to the backpacker area yesterday, it did not make me happy. Why the hell leave home if all you want to do is to stumble around shitfaced on alcohol, trying to get women half yourvage and WAY out of your Leauge? Why can’t those aholes stay home so the rest of us who are here to see the placd don’t have to feel embarrassed over them. I have still 14 days left in my month on the wagon, I want to learn a little about the place before I go to far to drink.


I will soon try to get some pics up here, gotta thank Nokia for inventing the Lumia 1020, the best cameraphone ever for a travelling bastard











24 Replies to “14 days have gone, where did they go”

  1. sure there is must be different than Scandinavian , Norwegian life and country ,but maybe you say the same thing if you’re going to others countries ?
    Take some photos yes

  2. those drunken backpacker’re mostly lousy yankee aussie brits and greedy finnish.
    do visit alliance francaise , saigon centre,have ur coffee there, using mandriva linux there in the library.

    Nokia Lumia 1020’s only toy for morons, for photography you’d better equiped with pentax k5 DSLR(made in japan , philippines).second hand K5 body costs only around 150$ in saigon or bangkok.

    Lumia 1020 operating system ‘s awful, for better photo experiences, YOU ‘d BETter install firefox OS or other open oS on lumia 1020.NOKia ‘re controlled by jewish illuminattis, among nokia staffs and work forces , very high suicide rates and mental disorders

  3. pls . notice that Nokia name to go away with the Lumia line as Microsoft seeks to unify branding.
    lumia ‘s crap phone with evil MS windows Os , you want privacy for ur data, switch your OS to open OS asap!
    nothing to be proud of owning nokia lumia at all.enslaving user to be yankee MS

  4. pentax k5 and Nokia Lumia 1020 are not the same thing when you are travelling .Are you certain that is not a Japonese jewish who make Pentax :p
    You want than Kengo visits the evil frenchies alliance francaise ?

  5. as pentax only have plants in philippines vietnam japan, surely pentax’s not jewish at all.only hardcore photography fan use pentax, it offers excellent image qualities for sure.
    western jewish media described pentax DSLR and SLR body as” middle aged woman”,pentax hardly lies and fancied mistress culture which french and red cina communists favor.

    alliance franciase saigon centre does serve coffee and free film plus culture show and seminars every weeks,kengo should visit for their well-stocked library.if you’re french national, centre might offer u parttime jobs.YOu ‘d better ask kengo present more photos of alliance frencaise saigon.

    If you’ve got 1K euro,you should fly over saigon from paris to check the local scene in saigon and great mekong region.
    would french social securities offer such cheques now?

  6. you’re lucky , i like pentax ( I have two pentax in past and futur will be a pentax too ) but it’s not at all because not jewish ! only because it is good camera but not the best alas
    If Kengo is not french it will not easy to speak ,read books etc

  7. so u owned pentax SLRs before, due to financial difficulties, you put all 2 pentax to pawn foe euro cash for your food,i guess…pentax offers value for money, the best camera such as german rollei,leica the price tag starts from 3k euro minimum.
    pentax 645D (50 megapixel CMOS sensor) is really high quality professional camera,ratailed in france @8k-12K euro, can you afford it with ur social cheques?

    there’re lots of travel books in english and vietnamese as well @french centre @district 1

  8. ah ah here nobody want very old reflex not digital !and they are not OK …
    Pentax K30 is for 472 € and not with the best lens (Dal ) for lens WR we must give 800 €

  9. with pentax k30, you can use all K-mount lens available ,even those russian lense(with k-mount converter ring), zeise, with pentax all old lense can be used without problem.some russia made antique lense’re value for money.
    France didn’t produce any quality lenses at all.
    K30 ‘s for beginner of photography(newbi or moron like it), not as professional as k5 series.you can get k30 in japan second hand market around 200-300 euro with lense,france ‘s simply nightmare for shopping camera, france taxes too wildly.

  10. lots of professional photographers ‘re still stick to film camera, film can catch the details digital tools won’t be able to achieved.with digital camera, you missed all details, your camera can be hacked easily.digital camera opened the gate for making fake photos. silver salt photigraphy ‘s more reliable if you studied physics and chemistry , holding adegree of Bsc. silver salt photography ‘s originated in france , but hundres years later in france nobody remerber it any more.—as france ‘s transfered to be jewish state after big revolutions(funded by jewish bankers, france lost the kings and identities)
    HOPe you as french still remember louis daguerre,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Daguerre

  11. yes It’s for this reason i would buy Pentax K30 because i have old lens with K mount
    I agree ah ah France have taxes for everything you must buy , everything
    les films argentiques sont bien trop chers à développer et à acheter …impossible only for artists

  12. I use 2 cameras on this trip. The phone is great when walking, takes no space and saves me from dragging around on a compact camera, got no space and use for that. Camera 2 is a Canon EOS 7D, not one to carry much around with 4 lenses but a great camera. But here in HCN the phone is more than good enough

  13. good camera too ,I agree than a phone is more usefull to walk with discrétion , maybe for an album photos canon be better 🙂

  14. d7000 ‘s crap made in nikon ‘s thailand facilities near bangkok,launched in 2010,after bkk floods,some ‘re shifted to nilkon laos plants.
    nikon lenses ‘re OEM manufactured in red evil cina.
    nikon, always full of flaws for sure,only notorious thai PM yinsula and thaksin families like it very much.
    back-focus problems , as well as dust and oil spots on early production models,etc….
    you wasted your cash to purchase d7000 unless you’re millionaire playboy dude.

  15. Both the Eos and the 1020 are replacements, the eos replaced my old Eos 300 for this trip, the Nokia replaced the worst piece of shit phone i have ever had, the shitsung s4. 4 times in for repairs and only more problems, it was the last thing marked Samsung I ever buy in my life. In my troubled relationship with Samsung that was the last drop, i’ve had 2 TVs and 2 compurer screens. All of them has been replaced or serviced, so the s4 was the last one from that brand ever, enough is enough
    The Nokia has been a good experience the last 6 months or so, I like windows phone well, it’s far better than android, and the camera is great for a phone to be. So as it seems it will be those phones for me for the time beeing

  16. ur samsung s4 tv LCD could be made in cina, not made in kores originally. that’s why it made so much hassels to u. when u purchased it, u should check the label and the original country of manfacturing.

  17. Got no idea where any of the Samsung products I had where made, but as things are now most is soon made in China. And there’s nothing to do about it.
    There will be a blog about my reasons for going this far away and staying this long, I am writing it but it has taken a fair bit of time. I want to get it understandable, not easy with the state of my mind right now

  18. that’s ur mistakes without checking the original country of manfacture, samsung products made in evil red cina ‘re generally cheaper prices, it can fool european consumer very easily ,same model of samsung products made in vietnam indonesia malaysia plants’re very reliable,seldom in defectiveness.
    as now norway and danmark ‘re almost dumping ground for red cina products due to nordic countries’ economy recessions, nordic consumer no longer can afford to purchase quality goods as usual as before.
    you check label carefully, there’re plenty of choices there.do chose same model made in vietnam malaysia indonesia.

    Guessed now you’re in some kind of culture shock in saigon(you’ve never been to third world countries and newly emerged-market countries), that’s hard for u to sit now to write blog

  19. by the way, the downtown of saigon-ho chi minh’s such a chaoic crowded place,especiallly backpacker area-phan mu lau area. nobody can write anything there, it’s difficult to calm down.YOu ‘d move to neary outshirt town-My tho , renting a room or small house in countryside , then you can write nicely.

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