Walking by myself

Another week has taken off running, they are going fast now, nearly scares me. But each week is from my stance a little more meaningful than the week before it. I am really starting to relax and enjoy now, the homesickness has been replaced with a big curiosity, so I am high and low in Ho Chi Minh for the time beeing. Trying to see as much as I can in as little time as possible, not that easy as I am not used to navigate city’s. I can find my way in any mountain or forest, not a big problem. But city’s have me puzzled, where the hell have the logic gone? To the moon? Who’s bright idea was it to make city’s as impossible to navigate as possible? If that idiot is still alive please shoot him, he deserves it.


This is also the week where I took my toughest decision yet. I have decided to return to Norway to try again. It won’t be before October so you’re not done with me yet. I feel Vietnam still got a lot to learn me, especially about the pace of life. Here life is not about goals, but about living. Living in a way that makes you enjoy life, which i find important as I only got one life, so I will have to do the best out of it. Some of that philosophy I am going to take with me and use as my own for the rest of my life.

One lesson I have learned and really enjoyed the time I’ve been here is what it will say to travel alone. Many thinks that it’s the ultimate in loneliness, but that is so far from the truth as you can get. I’ve never felt lonely, just lucky to be here to experience this. I have met alot of kind pepole who have given me precious time of theyr lifes just to make me feel good. These things you see wery clearly when you travel alone, you depend on complete strangers. You will learn to trust, Wich is a forgotten art soon





14 Replies to “Walking by myself”

  1. norway’s shameful country, in the same camp with red comie regime.
    it’s big fool to return oslo, soon being colonized by red evil pekin comie.the richest man in norway now ‘s serving pekin comie interests so loyally.
    more rampant adulteries and divorce in norway,big social decay due to illluminatti ‘s propogandas and comies spies.
    nothing to be proud of being norweigian besides receiving social security cheques monthly.
    norway ambassadors @hanoi and bangkok ‘re zombie zombie, did you ever get real help from them?
    due to social decay in nordic countries, travellers from asean countries never meet any norweigian’re friendly as vietnamese civilian.for nordic residents, they see strangers as would-be criminals.

  2. by the way, you should condescend yourself to get around HCM with local aircon bus,navigate saigon with local public bus for one week you’ll know more about saigon inside.there’s direct bus airbus from backpacker area phan muh lao to metro supermarket@3000dong.

  3. still u need to hop onto local bus.pls.don’t use sinh cafe or open tour bus , over priced poor services, mainly to cater farang.

  4. ah ah Kamposoil …true to himself “more rampant adulteries and divorce in norway” OOOOOHHHHH SHAAAAAAAAAME :p
    why are you so speedy ? take your time to see one area , you seem tried to be like travellers in package tour , always they run to see the maximum of things in a minimum of time . At the end they have what ?

  5. norweigian and finish ‘re typical patients of mordern day depression(designed by illuminati globalists), who’re used to fast lane lifestyle, difficult for them to slow down and calm down, same as “Parisian”.
    norweigian don’t care about squandering and wasting the euro cash in vietnam, monthly social security cheques amounts to 1500euro minimum.meanwhile norweigian and finnish seldom gave out any donation to the poor and unprivileged in vietnam, hardly see any norweigian doing voluntary work for vietnamese coummnities and children.
    norweigian’re more keen to socialize with “viet cong”(vietnam comie)officiers or civila servants.

    Kengo should go to local vietnmese temple or pagoda, eat vegetarian food everyday,
    just say:::::::toi an chay (toy ahn jay)
    do try :Mi Chay (Vegetarian Broth w/ Egg noodle)

  6. I’m trying to take my time, but I am so curious that I want to see all right now. The upside to this is that I never rest, always outside trying to see new things. And if I see something of interest I will explore it for as long as it takes

  7. To be more specific…
    Right now I am like a kid in a candystore, I want it all and I want it right now. That will be replaced with alot more calmness once my head realise I got damn good time, but my head keeps on telling e I’ll soon leave. But that will soon pass.
    And now that I am finally getting a bike I can explore more easily, jusr walking is hard as hell in this heat

  8. norweigian ‘s good at making things complicated, always thinks too much without any action yet, with mentalities of being sadist
    initially saigon downtown’s not suitable for hiking.in the beginning of your rrival to HCM, u should notice that. at least you should have one bicycle if your greedy norweigian ‘re too miserly to spare ur cash on 200$ moto-bike.(or rent motobike)
    it’s pity to hear norweigian adult ‘s still fond of candystore, without caring about the health of their teeth.maybe norweigian thinks dentist services in vietnam ‘s too cheap.

  9. where’s ur photos?
    as you claimed you went many places in HCM and around outskirts,pls show us .

  10. Kamposoil
    are you able to speak without insulting people , try ..it will be a good good start to relaxation exercises :p

    I understand , think you can always return to this country, and perhaps ,as some people , live in this country if it pleases you and find a job
    a bike ? a motorbike or a bicycle ? it’s really good to travel , but be careful because the crash collisions are very common and very numerous in these countries

  11. A motorcycle is bought, the blogpost on that piece of sh** is coming up in a few hours… Another disaster, but hey, can’t win them all

  12. Photos are a problem, I am aware of that and I am working on it. I am of some reason not able to upload photos from the pad, and i have no pc. The pad might get replaced by a mac or a Windows 8 pc, i am thinking about that as this damn piece of useless android crap can’t do a thing without crashing or showing commercials, am done with Google for this life and the 53 next. Never again, from now on Apple og Microsoft, it has taken me way to much time to keep this shit working

  13. Sorry for the burstout. But I have used all day to get this useless crap to stay logged in here for more than 2 minutes without logging off, starting to get more than enough of it

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