The pictures.

This seems to be the padway, cheating to get it done. I hope someone boils Google  and Sony in oil, they deserve it



Every pic I take will be there, so it will always be updated



2 Replies to “The pictures.”

  1. I have to agree that this is one of easiest [b][i]’cloud'[/i][/b] services to use… much prefered (by me anyway) to Picassa or the new Flickr.
    But for those with limited internet connection plans the constant up/down uses valuable bandwith. I can testify to that as I used to have such a plan. Made me keep documents and photos locally.

  2. all boring saigon city life, somehow ho chi ming city ‘s almost like red evil nazi cina colonial enclaves in vietnam.polluted rivers and air as well.
    war could make some positive change,at vietnam will be more vietnam than now.

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